Find Retaining Wall Contractors

When searching for reliable retaining wall contractors, Schnabel stands out as a premier choice. We provide customized earth-retention systems suited to a wide range of project needs.

Our retaining walls, designed to last 50 to 100 years, are dependent on the site-specific soil and groundwater conditions, as well as the construction methods employed. As a go-to option for those looking to find retaining wall contractors, Schnabel offers diverse, long-lasting wall solutions, adept at meeting the unique challenges and environmental nuances of each project.

For those in need of expert retaining wall contractors, Schnabel delivers solutions that cater to various environmental and operational requirements.


Schnabel excels in providing permanent retaining wall solutions like permanent tieback, soil nail, and cantilevered pile walls, especially important for projects involving cut or partial cut-and-fill situations.

For those seeking to find retaining wall contractors capable of delivering economical and practical solutions while minimizing impact on nearby structures or landscapes, Schnabel’s expertise is invaluable. Our walls, with a lifespan of 50 to 100 years, undergo rigorous evaluation for environmental impacts, including corrosion risk assessments.

Our attention to detail ensures the longevity and durability of every wall component, from the structural elements to the aesthetic design of the wall facings, which can be made from reinforced concrete or similar materials for strength and visual appeal.

With a rich history spanning over five decades, Schnabel is a top choice for those looking to find experienced retaining wall contractors. We tailor our retaining wall services to suit the specific requirements and environmental conditions of each project. Our team is ready to assist you in choosing the most suitable retaining wall solution. Contact Schnabel to tap into the expertise of one of the leading retaining wall contractors, ensuring your project’s success with our specialized knowledge and experience.


Schnabel is a leading contractor in retaining wall construction, whatever the environment, whatever your operational challenges.

Kennedy Interchange

Schnabel was contracted to design and build permanent retaining walls to improve traffic flow at one of the busiest interchanges in Atlanta, Georgia.

Contractors utilize retaining wall construction featuring permanent tiebacks, soil nails and/or cantilevered pile retaining walls.

US 321

Schnabel designed and constructed 15 permanent tieback walls with a total length of over 8,500 ft. for the Tennessee Department of Transportation during the widening of U.S. 321 on the edge of the Smoky Mountain National Park.

The widening of US 321 through several miles of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park just outside of Gatlinburg, TN utilized Permanent Tieback Walls to minimize the impact to the surrounding environment and preserve the beauty of this majestic area. It took a team approach between Schnabel, Blalock and Sons, Inc. and the Tennessee Department of Transportation to construct one of the largest permanent tieback wall projects in the nation.

Kevin Cargill, P.E., US 321


Schnabel is the sector’s most operationally efficient Geostructural Design & Construction contractor. We optimize efficiencies by leveraging decades of experience and design/build expertise, to innovate processes and approaches that are consistently proven to deliver optimal outcomes for our clients.