At Schnabel, we pride ourselves on fostering a family-friendly work culture where strong bonds are formed not only between coworkers but also within families. Today, we introduce you to Chris and Lucas Peck, a father-son duo who have found growth, success, and fulfillment in their careers at Schnabel.

Meet Chris Peck

Chris Peck joined Schnabel in 2002 after being dispatched from his union hall to a project in Washington, D.C. From the start, Chris noticed something different about Schnabel compared to other companies he had worked with, and he quickly decided to stay. Over the years, Chris worked his way up to become a Senior Superintendent role for Schnabel’s Group North Field Team.

In this role, Chris assists project managers and foremen in preparing for upcoming projects, supports field teams in completing projects efficiently and safely, builds relationships with Schnabel’s clients, and schedules personnel based on skill levels and project needs. He’s also actively involved in recruiting new field team members, helping to mentor the next generation of Schnabel’s workforce.

Meet Lucas Peck

Lucas Peck, an Operating Engineer, initially set out to pursue a career in natural resources. However, one summer, he took a laborer job at Schnabel to save money for college. After completing a semester, Lucas realized his original career path wasn’t the right fit. In December 2016, he joined Schnabel full-time, intending to stay temporarily while saving up money. But after experiencing the company’s family-friendly culture and opportunities for growth, Lucas has been with Schnabel ever since.

On a typical day, Lucas operates vertical drill rigs, communicates with foremen and superintendents about logistics and concerns, and works with his crew to ensure projects run safely and efficiently.

Strengthening Family Bonds at Work

For Chris, working alongside his son has been an incredible experience. He’s had the privilege of watching Lucas’s growth, success, and strong work ethic firsthand, which has deepened his respect for his son. Most parents hear about their children’s careers through stories, but Chris feels fortunate to fully understand Lucas’s professional journey.

Lucas shares similar sentiments. Early in his career, he worked directly under his father as a laborer and then as a pile driver. This experience allowed Lucas to learn from Chris’s leadership and see how he’s positively influenced other team members over the years. Lucas appreciates the guidance and the example his father has set for being a leader and earning the respect of his peers.

Projects They’re Proud to Have Worked on Together


Two standout projects for Chris are Capital Crossing in Washington, D.C., and the I-66 project. During Capital Crossing, Lucas transitioned from a laborer to a pile driver apprentice, learning new skills like welding and climbing pile-driving leads for the first time. The I-66 project saw Lucas grow even more, moving from a pile driver apprentice to one of the company’s top vertical drill rig operators.

For Lucas, the I-66 project is particularly memorable. The project was challenging, with new problems to solve daily, but it also allowed Lucas to strengthen bonds with coworkers and mentors. He views this project as a turning point in his career and one of the last opportunities to work directly under his father.

Schnabel’s Family-Friendly Work Culture

Chris has spent 22 years at Schnabel and has witnessed many family members—fathers and sons, brothers, cousins—working together within the company. He believes that when family members recommend a workplace to each other, it’s a testament to the company’s strength. Schnabel’s commitment to family values and employee well-being has kept Chris with the company for over two decades.

Lucas, who has spent almost his entire working life at Schnabel, also appreciates seeing different generations of family members work together. He enjoys watching experienced team members pass down their knowledge to the next generation, noting their special pride when mentoring a family member.

Join the Peck Family Legacy at Schnabel

Are you interested in joining a company that values family and career growth, as Chris and Lucas have experienced? Visit our careers page to explore the nationwide opportunities we have available at Schnabel.